This news was an extreme suprise to me! Since it was April Fool's Day, the full day for me was filled with "joking" lies and filled with laughs. I was laying in my bed scrolling through Facebook (I know, I hate myself too), I happened to pass by a Beatles page that I follow and noticed that it said something about "pray for Julian", then I got VERY worried that something happened to him. It was horrible that the first thought I had was that it was just a April Fool's joke that the page had posted.
I looked up Cynthia first on the Internet to see if it had any news about her to see if it was something wrong and my heart my dropped. It said that she died from cancer. What. WHAT! I never knew that she had cancer and I never thought that we would lose her this early. It broke my heart. I'll never forget the moment when I called my mom at work sobbing and her trying to calm me down. It was a very hard moment for me in my life.
There was a really sweet tweet posted by Julian, a picture of his mother in a heart. Ringo posted a tweet saying, "Peace and love to Julian Lennon God bless Cynthia love Ringo and Barbaraxx" and a heartfelt tweet from Dhani and Olivia Harrison on George's official Twitter. But there was one tweet that was met with backlash - Yoko's.
People thought that it was very rude to make a very long tweet about her death, their defenses saying that she "broke up the Lennon family". Yes, we know what happeneded back in the 60s but I think it was very nice of Yoko to make a tweet in remembrance.
I hope Julian is doing ok and stays strong through this very hard time. Cynthia with be forever missed and she will never be forgotten. She got through the time of hardship during the beginning of The Beatles, having to basically hide her existence from the world to stop from jeopardizing The Beatles fame, then the affair between John and Yoko. Now she's up in heaven with John and will watch over all of us.
(Words: 435)