Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bealtes Ultimate Sickday Guide!

This last week, I was very sick and couldn't do very much (WHICH I HATED SO MUCH but thankfully I'm doing a lot better now) and whenever I'm sick, I surrounded myself with something that always manages to make me feel better no matter what - The Beatles. Laughter is the best medicine and man, do The Beatles make me laugh! Seriously, if you haven't seen Help!, then your life hasn't been made yet!

Everytime I'm sick, I basically surround myself with everything Beatles until I feel better. In some ways, I'd love to think that it actually does help me feel better. How I brought up before that I surrounded myself with The Beatles, I wasn't anywhere close to joking. So for the next time your sick, here are some of the ways The Beatles help me feel better!

1. Put on your favorite Beatles pajamas: One part of your wardrobe that you need to get or need to have is Beatles pajamas. Doesn't need to be too fancy, it could be a cheep Beatles shirt or an expensive Hot Topic shirt with some pajama pants, your Beatles pajamas are perfect! 

2: Drink your favorite drink out of your Beatles cups: My friend was sweet enough a couple of years ago to get me a Beatles cup set that whenever I'm sick I make some pomegranate tea in (my favorite cup is the one with Ringo on it hehe). 

3: Listen to your favorite Beatles album: You can never go wrong with listening to your favorite album to help you feel better (mine is Revolver). It'll help even more if you listen to it so many times that it basically annoys you *in a good way!* 

4: Catch up on some Beatles movies: During school, I find it really hard to go back and watch all of my favorite Beatles movies, when I'm sick I find it a good opportunity to catch up and watch them over again. I always start off by watching Across the Universe, next would have to be Help! (those 2 are my favorites and they just instantly help me feel better). Magical Mystery Tour would be the one I would watch before taking my nap, because it's kinda boring WHOOOPS and it helps me fall asleep easier.

(Words: 419)

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