Sunday, December 7, 2014

Beatles and Charity Work

With all of the fame The Beatles has received over the years, it makes their position very easy to help out with communities and even with some different charities. I find this extremely heartwarming to know that even though they are such big stars that they will do anything to help people out.

In 1970, George Harrison did a charity concert called, "The Concert for Bangladesh" in which he got a group of his famous musical friends and had a concert to raise money for Bangladesh. He first found out because of this cause from his good friend Ravi Shankar and from that point on, he tried his best to help out. I actually own the DVD for the concert and it is one of my favorite videos ever and the music is fantastic.

Another thing I remember reading about a couple of years ago, that Ringo signed a boys drum set for charity and then got to spend the rest of the day drumming with him. During this time I was in a band as the drummer, and I told my mom that I would give anything to have Ringo sign my own drum set and even get to be in the same room with him! Who knows, maybe someday I will get that chance (I would probably die on contact if I did).

A lot of Beatles things are sold for a lot of money when it comes to charity work. I know that lately some rare pictures of The Beatles were sold for charity along with a piano that both Paul and Ringo signed. Imagine being able to own something that The Beatles gave to a charity and go to help out for a fantastic cause and get to keep and own a piece of history for the rest of your life (unless you decide to sell it...if you do, I'll take it!).

If you want to learn more about Paul and Ringo's new charity work with signing the piano that I referenced in this post, check it out right here! -

(Words: 367)

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