Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Who is Paul McCartney?"

There are little things in this generation that makes me feel scared for the future. This story is one of those moments that give me the chills and make me think if The Beatles will ever be truly remembered in 20 or maybe 30 years from now. I know everyone is shaking their head at my last sentence, but once I get done with this post, I want you to think about how long it will be. 

Here's a little bit of backstory - on Kayne West's new song, he had Paul McCartney playing the piano on it, which is actually really cool! But some man Tweeted "who tf is paul mccartney?!?!?! this is why i love kayne for shining light on new up and coming artists" 

First, my friend actually texted me the Tweet over Christmas break and at that point, I just looked at it and laughed for a good 20 minutes, I really couldn't believe that some idiot would think that Paul McCartney is an up and coming artist. Second, my other friend brought it up to me the first day we got back from break and told me what he thought about it. Then it finally hit me, the guy who Tweeted the Tweet was being serious! He had no idea who Paul McCartney was! 

The reason why it angers me so much is that people in this generation have no idea who The Beatles are. Even though they were famous over 50 years ago, some to most people have no idea who they are or the music that they created. Yes, I know that I am a special person for liking The Beatles such a long time ago and close to none of the people my age who even likes them. Here's the thing, what if enough people stop liking them that they'll be forgotten into history. I know that they have made so many strides in music and some call them, "The Best Band that Ever Lived" but there is still a chance in the future that a band could over pass them, all of the people who liked The Beatles previously die and then we will have a forgotten band. 

If you want to read more about the Tweet, check out this article: 

(Words: 410)

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