Sunday, January 11, 2015

George Is Always on My Mind

Welcome back loveliesssss! First post back from break!!! *chears in the background*. I'm glad to be back (even though it was a nice little break from posting), and ready to start some new, wonderful posts for 2015! How was everyone's New Year? Ok? Fun? Enjoyable? Mine was, I went to a party that my friend had and I stayed over night, it was pretty awesome! 

Let's take a step back from that and give a little explanation to the meaning of this title for this blog post - "George Is Always on My Mind". I bet everyone is wondering "Jayci, why in the world would you make a post like that?! Are you crazy or something?!" Yes, I am, but there are many reasons why I wanted to make this post. 

Little things in my life confuse me when it comes to The Beatles, it's like my mind is trained to refer back to them no matter what I'm doing in my life. Like if someone says "Number Nine", I can't help but start repeating it over and over again like in the song 'Revolution 9' on The White Album. I can't help it when people start listing off names and start with, "John, Paul...", I have to automatically say "George and Ringo". See, things like these make me feel Iike I'm crazy. 

This last week in my German class, my friend was telling someone that she got a ukulele for Christmas and is very excited to start learning how to play it. I turned back to her in my seat and preceded to tell her a story from the doctumenty "George Harrison: Living in the Material World". This story was told by one of George's good friend Tom Petty. He said that one day he and George hung out and played ukuleles together and when George was about to leave, Tom handed his ukulele back but George refused to take it. As they walk out to George's car, he opens up the trunk and it was full of ukuleles! (Which I think was one of the most adorable stories I have ever heard). I said this randomly just because I heard her talking about a ukelele...yeah I know, I'm weird. Times like these make me wonder if any other die hard Beatles fans have moments like these...

(Words: 436)

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