John, Paul and George all learned German school but George was the one who remembered the most. It's funny, I used to look up YouTube videos of The Beatles all the time, it was so adorable to watch them whenever I wanted. One day I looked up George Harrison speaking German and I thought it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Like The Beatles always do, it impacted my life forever. Currently for the last 3 years in my high school I've learned German as my forgin language, just because of George.
If you didn't know already, The Beatles in 1964 released German versions of their 2 top hits of the year, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and "She Loves You" (formerly known in German as "Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand and Sie Liebt Dich"). Since I knew that they had these songs in iTunes I had to get them (thanks to the Past Masters album with Beatles hits). The part that makes me love the songs the most that 1. Its the ACTUAL Beatles singing the songs (John and Paul trying to) and 2. I CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY'RE SAYING IN GERMAN! (Thanks to those 3 years or learning it)
In Germany, The Beatles found themselves meeting 2 loyal friends, Astrid Kirshher and Klaus Vorrman. Astrid was engaged to Stu, even more famous for coining the term "mop top" for The Beatles and creating the hairstyle. She has even taken many infamous pictures of them, especially ones of John Lennon. Klaus is just as special to me as Astird is, he's one of my favorite people ever because he was the one to design and make The Beatles Revolver album cover (my favorite album). He also played bass at George's Concert for Bangladesh in 1970 - the both of them spoke in George's documentary Living in the Material World.
(Words: 440)
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